Being stuck in the when will you start something? question for years is such a thing that everyone may run into. Because I am a guy who works in the tech world, it's like a moment when you stay up for 8 hours of a Youtube programming tutorial without knowing what actually you must to do after finishing watching that video. It is the moment you fall into tutorial hell for forever without having the courage to start creating something. And I have been in that situation for a long time.
Being too perfectionist is actually not a good thing. I already have this plan, and it was part of my low resolution from years back then (maybe?) to have a personal blog, but sometimes I just stopped too frequent for along while just to think how I can build a perfect blog with good design, etc., etc. Um? maybe I will not give it a name blog. This is just a place where I will put all my thoughts that have been swirling in my head for years and years. And I hope I will keep my commitment to it for the long run. Even though it's not perfect yet, at least I'm starting
Why do I have to start it?. A friend told me, One day or Day One. You Decide (a quote by Paulo Coelho ) has come out of nowhere. Simply as I have a plan for it, I must do it. All I have to do is just start it now. As a tech guys you might know the Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dummy text, we used it as a beginning of our unfinished things (most of them are as a content of our project). So that why I took it as a title in this piece (so poetic ngl). As I know I will always keep the development. There are many other tech bros on Twitter that I have followed for a long time and I took many inspirations from them.
Here are some amazing tech personal site that I took inspirations from when I building this site:
There is always competition in this life, but finally I realized that the actual competition is just me against myself. Do I want to let myself be stuck like this forever?. Aside from all of that, there is also a reason for me to improve my English skills here. I will practice my English skills by doing some writing here (accompanied by DeepL and Quillbot at all times ofc) and maybe with some tech things (I really have no confidence in them srsly) but I will try.
So thats a wrap. Thank you all ✌️